Sometimes the light's all shinin' on me
Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me
What a long strange trip it's been
“Sometimes I think about this song, and I wonder about the weight of years, relatively speaking — how all the years combine, and how, when this band, which was ultimately to tour for 30 years, was just five years old, several members got together to write an autobiographical song in which the refrain noted “what a long strange trip it’s been.”” - David Dodd
Wow. Four years traveling down this road, entering now into my fifth. Indeed, it has been strange.
As I look back, I see the evolution and maturation of my understanding.
I hope my readers evolved alongside with me. And that they will follow along this path into the next years, too. Anticipating, eagerly, the uncovering of discoveries, hidden in our past. All the while, we expose all of the lies. Let the deceptive dogmas meet their overdue deaths. Too, will come, the dissolution of the establishment — in pharma, research, healthcare, public health.
Today is Veterans Day, Armistice Day, Remembrance Day. A day to honor those in uniform who sacrificed for our safety and freedom. I thank you, and also include those Digital Soldiers who sacrificed so much to bring down the Cabal. You deserve honor and recognition, too.
Que Sera sera … What ever will be, will be.
I will continue down this road, for now, and for the foreseeable future.
For My Work Is Not Yet Done.
Truckin', I'm a-goin' home
Whoa, whoa, baby, back where I belong
Back home, sit down and patch my bones
And get back truckin' on …….
David Dodd.