Fourth of July: this year is the big Pluto Return for USA
Astrological Aspects highlight history; can we finally change it for the better?
Pluto, in astrology, represents transformation, destruction, and renewal. Where this planet shows up in your natal chart, it intensifies everything around it. Pluto governs power itself - it was discovered in the new nuclear era of the atomic bomb. However, Pluto is not just about death, challenges and struggles —it also offers opportunities for growth and rebirth.
A Phoenix Rising from the ashes …
As for when these astro dynamics can be expected to start manifesting this Pluto return, it began on February 22nd of 2022 and by precession-adjusted standards, will go through to February of 2024. Long-term cycles such as the Pluto return have a wide orb of influence on either side. So expect the long-range effects of this cycle to extend for many years before and after that window of exactitude; the entire 2020s are part of the period of USA’s Pluto return.
We can look back at other country’s Pluto return to learn what we can expect. The British Empire is a pertinent example:
… both of the general periods associated with the Empire’s Pluto returns represented dramatic periods of change, power struggles, and political instability. But it’s important to note it was only with the second of those returns that the Empire finally collapsed. In and of itself, in other words, a Pluto return doesn’t necessarily portend the demise of a nation, although it does always seem to involve considerable upheaval.
… during the earlier reign of Elizabeth I, the Empire saw the formal inauguration of its slave trade, under the direction of Sir John Hawkins —truly, the nefarious shadow side of that era’s “golden age.” Then, more than two centuries later, it officially came to its end during Pluto’s next return, with the passing of the ‘Abolition of the Slave Trade Act’ in 1807 — directly in the midst of England’s third Pluto return.
… Pluto transits often involve contending with some unresolved darkness or transgression from the past, and if one truly confronts and resolves those issues, the effect can indeed be transformative; if not, though, those unresolved issues can consume and destroy from within. - R. Grasse
Global Slavery NEVER STOPPED. Especially Child Sex Trafficking
July Fourth is the date for the worldwide release of the long awaited movie, “‘Sound of Freedom.” It chronicles one man’s journey to save kidnapped, enslaved, tortured children.
Trafficking babies and children for sex trade, organ/blood harvesting, pornography, torture, slave labor — is the most lucrative ‘industry’ currently on earth. But now the networks, tunnels, cabals, cartels, and ruling families are being EXPOSED, their funds seized, operations stopped.
Will this Pluto return mark the time when this horrific evil stain on humanity finally ends? Hopefully …
The Fourth is also a favorite summer holiday.
To counterbalance this sober newsletter, I am signing off with last year’s playful celebratory post and toast to you.
R Grasse. Turning Point: The United States' Pluto Return. Mountain Astrologer, 08.02.2021