So much damage ... where do we start to repair and heal the kids?
This newsletter edition, let's start with the forced wearing of face masks.
Way back in Nov 2020 when I started this substack newsletter series, I talked about face masks being equivalent to ‘smallpox blankets’ that were given to indigenous groups in the 1700’s -1800’s, resulting in large scale deaths. [and it got me kicked off LinkedIn]. Unfortunately, I was right. There are many, many, many studies showing absolutely no benefit from wearing face masks. But most of the results related to their harms were actively censored and suppressed. [see the Denmark clinical trial study report]. Well now, the data regarding harm to kids is so overwhelming, it cannot be swept under any political rug anymore.
This week the media was saturated with stories about huge increases in teen suicide and mental health crises. Most concerning were the results from tests of pre-school kids trying to understand facial expressions and relate them to emotions. An Italian group examined children early on in the forced masking era, and already there was a great deficit in ability when compared to prior periods, when unmasked. And this is a critical period in their brain development; it is unknown as yet if the deficit will be permanent.
The subjects, …were asked to try to recognize the faces' expressions, with and without facemask, conveying different emotions such as happiness, sadness, fear and anger.
The results showed that children aged between 3 and 5 years old are capable of recognizing facial expressions conveying happiness and sadness on only 40% of occasions when the faces are covered by a facemask.
The experiment was performed in the earliest phases of the 2020 pandemic, and at that time facemasks were still a new experience for everyone," …"Children's brains are highly flexible, and at the moment we are performing tests to ascertain whether children's understanding of emotions has increased or not," - Monica Gori.
"In the study, we worked with children and adults with no forms of disability," …"Of course, these observations are even more important when considering children affected by disabilities." -Maria Bianca Amadeo
"Indeed," …"For example, visual impairment implies difficulties in social interaction. For such individuals in particular, it will be even more necessary to concentrate on possible preventive measures or specific rehabilitation activities." - Lucia Schiatti
Mark Changizi PhD is a prolific cognitive psychologist researcher/inventor who was/is a consistent strident critic of face masking. Here he discusses how they remove personal identity and force others to see the masked person as a generic, common, stand-in version of a human. A NPC - "non-player character".
Masks are uncomfortable and that pain is the signal that SOMETHING IS HURTING US!
And here he follows common sense - body sense, that is - that clearly screams out to us that face masks are NOT good for us.
Of course not all of the negative outcomes can be fully attributed to the muzzles alone. There were many other confounding factors:
lockdown loneliness
germaphobia paranoia
increased child abuse, parental substance use
economic ruin of family
betrayal of trust in parents/teachers/first responders/doctors
abandonment by the protectors
loss of role models/rules/life structure
damage to bonding with parents
loss of trust in public health/’authorities’/ ‘media’
loss of education: emotional, linguistic, social
physical exercise, training lost
increased trafficking of kids: masking enhances kidnapping of preschoolers
Autistic therapy to address emotional facial expression blindness is a start. Yes, we have created a tsunami of special needs students, inflating the number on the autistic spectrum. We will need to develop their normal sensory processing, along with training in recognizing social cues/situations.
Regarding kid snatching, ALL OF US must be more aware. Get off your phones. Observe people and surroundings. SEE the children faces, watch for fear and confusion. Help them out.
Most of all… CARE !
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cloth masks = smallpox blankets