Subsidiarity: FarmMatch and DPC
The absolute right of local communities to take decisions for themselves. Subsidiarity places a brake upon centralizing powers by permitting their involvement only when requested.
If 2020 has taught us anything, it is to NOT trust the central government. So perhaps it is time to return to our 19th century roots. In his classic work, Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote that
Decentralization has, not only an administrative value, but also a civic dimension, since it increases the opportunities for citizens to take interest in public affairs; it makes them get accustomed to using freedom. And from the accumulation of these local, active, persnickety freedoms, is born the most efficient counterweight against the claims of the central government, even if it were supported by an impersonal, collective will.
While locked up from capriciously declared lockdowns, we were then able to clarify our immediate needs, prioritize our values. Topping that list are food and medical care. Now is the time to wrestle their control back into our own hands, and use our own judgement for ourselves and our families.
Local Farm Vendors and Delivery
FarmMatch is a growing service app that coordinates local farm enterprises with nearby communities and urban centers. This mutually beneficial relationship eliminates the middleman and any centralized distribution function. By being local and invested in the community’s welfare, vendors are incentivized to respond to fluctuating circumstances. Ideally, the clients they serve, appreciate the service and work with the farmer to improve productivity and enhance chances for commercial success. This may include forming cooperatives to collect produce and distribute/deliver to fellow members. Revenue generated feeds back into the local government by way of taxes and philanthropy. Healthy food feeds and breeds healthy folks, thus reducing overall medical costs.
[Disclosure: author is an affiliate]
DPC Direct Patient Care
In 2020, states shutdown medical care at major clinics and hospitals. Only emergencies and Covid related hospitalizations were addressed. Everyone else? You were on your own, ‘left to your own devices’ - yes, for most, it was just a smart phone.
But those who had signed up with a DPC practice, still received care and attention, as always. Their doctor was available to them via phone, videochat, email, text and even face to face. They had DIRECT ACCESS - no middleman, no centralized arbitrary generalized rules and restrictions. Their doctor knew them, watched out for them, cared for them.
DPC practice model is another throw back to those Norman Rockwell days when you sought and received care from your neighbors, fellow townspeople. Your family goes to see the same physician who knows you all, knows your needs and preferences. There is no prior authorization body to fight through. No out-of-pocket deductible to pay. No additional co-insurance charge. Your doc finds the least expensive / most efficacious route to wellness for you. And when you do need ‘catastrophic care’ your doc is your advocate, helping you navigate the process.
I urge my dear reader to investigate further. Seek out these businesses in your neighborhood. Reclaim the control that was wrested from you.
Your life depends upon it.
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REFS About:
Direct Primary Care About:
Welcome to FarmMatch
FarmMatch Introduction
Daniel Rizza