Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: Looming on the horizon?
With all the global Black Op Prisons now full to the brim with criminals convicted in tribunals, should we consider using local Truth and Reconciliation Commissions to seek justice for victims?
Shops blasting Pfizer vax ads on continuous loop like a barker on the carnival midway. Shop keepers erecting plexiglass barriers everywhere. Unmasked, untested, unvax’d, denied groceries, medical care, access to schools. Small businesses swatted with storm troopers forcing face diapers on kids attempting to taste a pizza slice.
They cannot say they ‘didn't know any better’ for the Constitution was taught in every school classroom. Human rights proclaimed since the Nuremberg trials of WWII. Hippocratic oaths sworn at every medical school graduation.
So many have suffered from these crimes committed by ordinary local citizens, neighbors, family members.
Where do we find justice for the kids and babies forced to wear diapers across their breathing apertures? For the destruction of their health and education? For their forced isolation away from outside playgrounds and playmates? For their mental and emotional abuse, turning their world into a menacing place of germs and strange covered faces. School closures will lead them to bad outcomes as adults, shorter, poorer lives.
Where do we find justice for the frail and elderly left isolated, alone, to suffer and die without comfort, care, companionship of loved ones? Shoved together then exposed to bioweapons, then denied life saving safe meds of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Instead, pumped with Remdesivir poison and exterminated via ventilator protocols.
Where do we find justice for all the small business owners driven into bankruptcy so that large corporations collaborating with the cabal could steal all the market?
Where do we find justice for the church congregations shut out of their houses of worship and communities of support by greedy leadership taking bribes from the cabal to do so?
Where do we find justice for those driven to suicide, addictions, drug overdose, domestic violence?
Where do we find justice for the pregnant moms forced to smother themselves with face diapers and be jabbed with poisons, causing miscarriages and even maternal deaths?
Where do we find justice for all those fired from jobs because them asserted their basic human rights, losing all income, assets, homes foreclosed?
Where do we find justice for the multiply vax’d who died suddenly? Or who are now dying a slow painful death with new onset diseases and aggressively accelerated cancers?
How can they (and/or their loved ones) be compensated for their damage and losses? How can the cooperating criminals make amends to them as reparations? Should we pursue this course of action over prosecution and incarceration?
Forcing Face Diapers on Kids
Nursing Home Isolation and Lonely Deaths:
Destruction of Small Businesses, Churches
Blocked from Nature and Sunlight to induce depression
Forcing Intubation and Ventilation, genocide with sedation, prohibition of HCQ and ivermectin:
Forced inoculation or lose professional license and jobs; death sentences
Historical Context
South Africa apartheid :
Canada Indigenous schools:
COVID Plandemic Crimes Against Humanity
The COVID hoax was enacted as part of the push and protocol to commit election fraud, to install agents putting WEF Agenda 2021/2030 into place. Those involved in those acts - the stolen ballots, switched votes, hacked computers, money laundering, illegal election laws - are being dealt with now by the Military Global Alliance. The head of that snake is decapitated. The major players in GITMO, GUAM prisons, or else already executed.
But the COVID crimes have yet to be addressed. Tribunals are expected in summer 2023. Again, it will target the global power elite. But what can we do NOW to garner some justice and reparations for all their victims? How can we hold our local minions to account?
With such a litany of failures, the American people deserve an honest COVID commission to evaluate the response and document all the errors as well as the few successes. Working as part of a team of eight scientists with experience in infectious diseases, public health, epidemiology, immunology, clinical medicine and COVID treatment, we have produced a blueprint with 80 pages of questions that such a commission should ask. We call it the Norfolk Group document, and it is available at no charge at -Martin Kulldorff and Jay Bhattacharya
And this approach extends beyond our local communities, to the bloated unelected federal executive service agency admins who sadistically imposed illegal regulations:
Trump “plans for a "truth and reconciliation commission" as part of a purge of the federal bureaucracy.” April 27, 2023 Manchester, New Hampshire
Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Africa
Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Canada
Kulldorff, J Bhattacharya. Why America needs a COVID truth commission
B Pottinger. Time for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for the Covid-19 warrior scientists.
R Shinder. When Will There Be a COVID-19 Truth and Reconciliation Commission? Those in positions of power will resist one. July 30, 2022,