""I can make you unconscious by making your brain hyperactive in some sense, or I can make you unconscious by slowing it down," he said. "The more general concept is there's a dynamic—we can't define it precisely—which is associated with you being conscious and as soon as you move away from that dynamic by being too fast or too slow, or too discoordinated or hypercoordinated, you can be unconscious." https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-09-statistical-ketamine-anesthesia-effects-brain.html
During sleep the brain's reaction to sound remains strong but one critical feature of conscious attention disappears (2022, July 12)
""I can make you unconscious by making your brain hyperactive in some sense, or I can make you unconscious by slowing it down," he said. "The more general concept is there's a dynamic—we can't define it precisely—which is associated with you being conscious and as soon as you move away from that dynamic by being too fast or too slow, or too discoordinated or hypercoordinated, you can be unconscious." https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-09-statistical-ketamine-anesthesia-effects-brain.html