“Every need brings what’s needed. Pain bears its cure like a child. Having nothing produces provisions. Ask a difficult question, and the marvelous answer appears.” –Rumi
Shock and Awe, Gutwrenching Grief, have consequences. So do the never ending crises such as, weather catastrophes, terrorism threats, war mongering, alien invasions, on top of the mulitude of fake plandemics. Fear Porn can disrupt homeostasis, wipe out cellular defenses and allow cancerous growths to bloom.
One physician, Dr. Rkye Geerd Hamer found that unresolved emotional trauma leads to the development of cancer. He drew from his personal experience of losing his son suddenly, when subsequently he developed prostate cancer two years later. He then studied all of his patients who developed cancer and looked for incidences of unresolved trauma in their lives. Surprisingly, ALL his patients with cancer did sustain a trauma 2 years prior. He expanded his research to include other organs/sites of cancer and discovered that the type of trauma seemed to determine the part of the body which will develop into the cancer. According to Dr Hamer, the real cause of cancer and other diseases is an unexpected traumatic shock for which we are emotionally unprepared. Of the 20,000 cancer cases he reviewed, Dr. Hamer discovered every cancer in the body had a different emotional cause. He believed each type of psycho-emotional conflict is dealt with by a different part of the emotional reflex brain center, corresponding to a different organ within the body. Again, in nearly all cases, the conflict experienced occurs 2 years prior to the diagnosis of cancer.
Dr. Hamer: “All so-called diseases have a special biological meaning. While we used to regard Mother Nature as fallible and had the audacity to believe that She constantly made mistakes and caused breakdowns (malignant, senseless, degenerative cancerous growths, etc.) we can now see, as the scales fall from our eyes, that it was our ignorance and pride that were and are the only foolishness in our cosmos. Blinded, we brought upon ourselves this senseless, soulless and brutal medicine. Full of wonder, we can now understand for the first time that Nature is orderly and that every occurrence in Nature is meaningful, even in the framework of the whole. Nothing in Nature is meaningless, malignant or diseased.”
Dr. Hamer believed diseases like cancer have two distinct phases: the “conflict/active phase” and the “healing/resolution phase.” Seeing cancer as a special biological response to an unusual situation, he found that when the shock situation is resolved, the cancer immediately stops growing and the body automatically begins to return to normalcy. Believing strongly that the present methods of dealing with cancer are barbarous, cruel and completely unnecessary, he began including talk therapy in his treatment of cancer patients.
Dr. Hamer advised his patients to seek counseling to resolve conflicts and deep seated emotional traumas. Once inner peace was achieved, he felt the body would destroy the cancerous growth, then repair and regrow normal tissue again. The body’s normal flora of bacteria, viruses and fungi contributed greatly to the healing processes, and standard chemotherapies stopped it. His lifetime work is described in THE FIVE BIOLOGICAL LAWS OF THE NEW MEDICINE
The career long persecution of Dr. Hamer presaged the covid era’s witchhunt of the medical truthers. The European ‘Medical Authorities’ seized his medical license and he was twice jailed, once in Germany and later in France. Norway shut down his Research Institute. He died of stroke at age 82 in 2017.
“In the blackest of your moments, wait with no fear.” –Rumi
In 2004, Michael Crichton wrote an article for Parade magazine that coincided with the release of his novel, State of Fear. In it he talks about all of the “scary things” people have worried about in his lifetime that never came to pass. He concludes the essay with this advice:
“I’ve seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it never came to pass,” Mark Twain is supposed to have said. At this point in my life, I can only agree. So many fears have turned out to be untrue or wildly exaggerated that I no longer get so excited about the latest one. Keeping fears in perspective leads me to ignore more of the frightening things I read and hear — or at least to take them with a pillar of salt.
For a time I wondered how it would feel to be without these fears and the frantic nagging concerns at the back of my mind. Actually, it feels just fine.
I recommend it.”
Unfortunately, Michael Crichton did express fear he “might get killed for this” - for exposing the widespread global warming hoaxes. Four years after publishing State of Fear, he died of lymphoma.
“Be kind and honest, and harmful poisons will turn sweet inside you.” –Rumi
Although evidence is still emerging, the association between PTSD and increased risk of cancer is a concern.