How would one implement this insight and information? I got acute glomerulo-nephritis back in the nursing school 50 years ago from strep when no antibiotic would work. Allergic to them all. 52 R and 54% L damage at that time. I've been blessed these last many years with no problems at all, but now find myself in stage 3-4 kidney disease. Any tips or thoughts? If you have the time, you can reach me at I would kindly appreciate anything you have. Blessings,
And here I was taught that the only regenerative organ was the liver. Thanks for information. Appreciated!
Hi, BioMedWorks!
How would one implement this insight and information? I got acute glomerulo-nephritis back in the nursing school 50 years ago from strep when no antibiotic would work. Allergic to them all. 52 R and 54% L damage at that time. I've been blessed these last many years with no problems at all, but now find myself in stage 3-4 kidney disease. Any tips or thoughts? If you have the time, you can reach me at I would kindly appreciate anything you have. Blessings,
Jennifer Pluznick TEDMED 2016 You smell with your body, not just your nose.